Second Stride Farm
Meet retired racehorses in the process of retraining at this Louisville, Kentucky, destination, where visitors can see the horses in the pasture and in their stables.

Kentucky’s famous thoroughbred racehorses have careers of only two or three years. A five-year career is extraordinary. However, their lifespans run from 20 to 25 years, and while owners keep some, many racehorses are purchased directly off the track in private sales, leading to a lack of accountability and record keeping. Luckily, aftercare programs like Second Stride at Chorleywood Farm just outside Louisville exist to cater to the needs of retired racehorses.
Second Stride is only 25 miles from Churchill Downs, but it is light years away from the frenetic world of racing. It is calm, and horses here undergo dramatic life changes. Think of it as a halfway house where horses learn skills other than running counterclockwise around oval tracks.
The farm is one of five programs that rehab and arrange adoptions in Kentucky and accommodates 35 to 40 horses at a time, working with approximately 150 every year. Upon arrival, the staff welcomes you and invites you to observe the retraining of these spirited animals. A tour’s first message is that horses are as individual as people and require specialized care. New arrivals don’t necessarily relate well to other horses, and it takes patience to show them a world beyond racing.
Depending on the horse, future jobs range from ranch work and trail riding to dressage or simple companionship. Time in residence varies, but the overarching goal is adoption. Second Stride has found loving homes for more than 1,900 horses since 2005.
Tours are casual, and you will see horses at pasture (the curious ones may come close to visit), view their stable and maybe feed one. It is also common to see trainers working with horses in a spacious indoor arena. A farrier visits on Tuesday mornings and a vet is on-hand Thursday afternoons. These specialists can share more details about the farm’s work. Prospect, Kentucky 40059, 502/241-8440; Visit for more tour information.
Tom Adkinson
Spring/Summer 2025